Report by Rashmita KC and composed by Nabin Aryal
It has often been said that education is one of the most powerful weapons for the development of any country. It especially plays a vital role in a developing country like Nepal. For the development of education as well as other sectors, teachers must be capable in the related fields. To increase the capacity of teachers, proper training is needed. So, for the development of educational field, the Education Ministry of Nepal provides various training. Recently, I was one of the participants for a training organized by the “Open School” Section of the Ministry of Education.
Open School is a concept developed by the ministry that anyone can join the school and get high school education. Through this program, any persons who for various reasons, did not continue the formal schooling can join back into school. The beneficiaries are mostly housewives who dropped out of the formal schooling after getting married. Sikharapur is one of the 35 schools in Nepal that runs Open School.
Since I work also as a volunteer for the Open School, I was invited to attend a training program for Open School teachers. The main objective of the training was how to develop these schools. I went there with the Principal of Shikharapur Community School and one member of ASC staff. By the help of that training, I got the chance to know about the importance of and the problems and objectives of open school in Nepal. The trainings were held for three days and each day the topic differed.
27 teachers from five Open Schools and some members from the Ministry of Education participated in this training. During the training, different groups of teachers were formed. And all groups were expected to give final presentation on particular subject on the third day of the training.
During the training session, I was also able to go for a homestay at Dhulikhel with few other trainees, 20 miles away from Kathmandu. All three days we stayed together and this was my first ever experience of staying outside of my own home. I was a little nervous but the other teachers and the host of the homestay made my stay very comfortable.
During the second day morning, we all went to Kali Mandir ( a local temple of Dhulikhel). The envirnoment of the temple was very nice and peaceful and I felt that the temple will always remain in my memory. After visiting the temple, we came to our homestay place and had lunch. After the lunch, we again went for training. Adult Education was the main topic of the training for that day. We learned the differences between Child Education and Adult Education and also how to promote Adult Education in our communities.
After finishing the training, we went to our room and made plans for presetnation for the final day. We all made lesson plans on the basis of teaching aims, teaching material and conclusions. For the presentation, different subject teachers were divided into different groups. A participant was selected from each group for teaching as in real classroom of Open School. To my surprise, I was selected from my Social Studies teaching group for the presentation. I was very nervous to teach in front of the participants but the Social Studieds team helped and encouraged me. Because of this, I was able teach Social Studies for 25 minutes in front of all the trainees. Although I was one of the youngest participants, I was able to teach that class without any problem. This teaching session gave me confidence that I was looking for.
After the conclusion of my presentation, all teachers gave me good feedback and suggestions for me. After everything was finished, I felt very relieved and also very proud of what I had just done. I think this traiing expereince was one of the most unforgettable moments of my life.
Didi, Rukmini Foundation

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