
First of all, we would like to thank you all for your overwhelming support during these past few days. We wanted to update you as soon as possible regarding our scholars and team in Nepal, but we had not gotten a clear confirmation until just recently.

All of our scholars, staff, teachers, and lit club members seem to be fine

Our former program director, Nabin Aryal has gotten reports that all of our scholars, staff, teachers, and LitClub members seem to be fine. There are news that old buildings of remote parts of Pharping have been destroyed, but we do not know yet how severe the damage is. Connecting with Nepal via mobile phone is still very challenging, as the electricity is down and charging mobile devices is difficult.

The government announced the closure of schools for 5 days but it looks like it will be closed for a longer period. Right now, our staff and community members are involved in emergency and rescue efforts in the region.

For those of you wanting to help and make an effective donation from afar, please visit:

1. American Nepal Medical Foundation (ANMF) –> Focusing on coordinating efforts to link medical professionals from around the world to on-the-ground teams to maximize the impact

2. Brother’s Brother Foundation –> Pittsburgh-based non-profit partnered with Himalayan HealthCare

3. Oxfam America, Nepal Earthquake Relief and Recovery Fund…/content/nepal_earthquake/  –> Preparing for rapid response to ensure food and water reaches those in need

4. World Vision  Nepal Earthquake Relief  –> Focusing on immediate needs including providing first aid kits, sleeping mats, blankets and jerry cans; temporary shelter; and protection for children

These are the recommended organizations by the Pittsburgh Nepalese Community based on their overall record in effectiveness and ability to respond to these types of humanitarian crisis. You may also consider donating via Facebook (see the top of your news feed), who have graciously agreed to match any donations to the cause.

For those in Pittsburgh please join us tomorrow,
Wed April 29, at noon at Market Square
 for a candlelight vigil to show our support for the victims


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