Every student in their life takes a test that they believe to be the toughest examination of their life. The mixed emotions of anxiety, hope, and fear is insurmountable – the results of this exam can make or break you. Parents usually put pressure on their kids to not only pass, but to do better than your cousins, or your friends, or your neighbor’s children. The results of 2015 School Leaving Certificate (popularly known as the SLC) came out on June 18 and we are proud to say that all of our Rukmini Scholars passed their exams with flying colors.
Congratulations to the graduating class of 2015 – We are so proud of you
Anju Theeng, Rama Poudel, and Rojina Khadka who go to Pharping Higher Secondary School all passed with First Division. Mandira Timalsina, Anu Shrestha, Pari Magar from Setidevi Secondary School Sokhel also all passed with First Division. Sonu Tamang was the only Ruku scholar from Shikharapur Community School taking the exam and she too passed with First Division. Jonisha Balami, from Pharping Higher Secondary School, passed with a second division. All the students have done tremendously well and have shown their ability to excel in one of the most difficult exam that exists in Nepal. The result of the SLC is very important to an individual student, since students with high percentage are able to obtain various scholarships for their higher secondary level education
Anu Shreshta, Pari Maga, and Mandira Timalsina (left to right) from Setidevi Secondary School Sokhel all received a First Division in their SLC result.
SLC is the final examination in the secondary school system of Nepal. Students must take this examination in order to complete the 10th grade of their study, before they join higher secondary or intermediate level education. In Nepal, SLC examinations are the most important examination in the education system of Nepal and the results can help determine a person’s academic career. While this exam is said to be the toughest test, also known as the ‘Iron gate’ in Nepal, in reality there are more obstacles a student can face attaining higher-level studies.
Sonu Tamang (middle) with her Mother (left) and RF Mentor Pramila (right) during their visit to the mobile clinic. Sonu, who attends Shikharapur Community School, also passed with a First Division.
The results of these exams are categorized into five divisions according to their score:
- Distinction – above 80%
- First Division – above 60%
- Second Division – above 45%
- Third division – above 32%
- Fail – below 32%
Source – Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_Leaving_Certificate_(Nepal)
While 32% may seem like a low percentage requirement to pass, many students (more than 50%), still fail it every year due to the difficulty level of the exam. Majority of the students who fall in that 50% attend public schools in rural areas of Nepal, which are known for being less rigorous compared to private schools. However, with the right support in both academic and personal life, our scholars have shown that it does not matter whether you attend public or private school. If each student is given the opportunity to get a quality education, provided mentoring, and given the right environment – then they can go through any ‘iron gate’ and design the future they want.
We are so very proud of these girls for their achievement, and are excited to see what other successes they can achieve in their futures. We are also thankful for our team in Nepal and our partner schools and their teachers who have helped them along the way. Finally, we are truly grateful to you, our supporters, who have helped to make this success possible. In these difficult times in Nepal, it is truly a blessing to be able to celebrate such good news.

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