Foundation Chair (Nepal) Mr. Shashi Shrama speaking about the importance of technology at the orientation program. Technology Officer Roshani Balami and Trainer Bipin Maharjan (facing the trainees)

Computer skills have been an essential tool in order to succeed in education and earn a good living. In order to provide better opportunities for girls in our community, we started our DEEP (Digital Education Empowerment program). We helped open computer labs in one of our partner schools and also in the Community Learning Center in order to provide training to teachers and students and also to the local people. Foundation Chairman, Mr. Shashi Sharma had an idea of providing computer training to as many young people as possible in order to develop skillful youths in the community. 

Rukmini Bahinis Shristi and Prerana with other trainees at the Certificate distribution program

As a result, the plan took place. Our Rukmini  team worked very hard to organize such a program. We invited all 10th graders who had finished their national board examination and were waiting for results which usually takes 3 months.  In order to utilize their time in a productive way, we reached out to our communities and invited all the students to get free computer training.

At first, more than 100 applications were received and were interviewed to identify their skill levels. The  training was designed to fit their skill levels that varied from basic computer skills to advanced including some basic programming.

We had the support from the Shikharapur CLC (community learning center) , teachers of Shikharapur school, and the Rukmini Team. We needed outside help to conduct 4 classes everyday. Luckily, we found a young computer science student – Bipin Maharjan from Pharping (Robotics team member from Rukmini Foundation at the international competition held in Washington DC) who became a huge help in the training.

Group photo at the certificate distribution program

After two months of training – on July 25th, 91 students received the computer training certificates. Besides the SEE group, 20 12th graders also received the training. Most important of all, there were more girls than boys in the training (out of the 91 students, there were 49 girls and 42 boys). Nice job girls and boys!

During those training sessions, students received other valuable lessons on Cyber security, communication skills, mental health awareness and motivational talks by the teachers and visiting experts. Students were taken to hiking, and given time for fun activities like making videos. We believe this training will help them in their college education and remain memorable in their lives.

In their Words

Nothing is as powerful as the testaments of the people who participated in our events. Here are some quotes from the students about their experiences:

Anuska Basnet (Trainee) thinks the 2 months training  felt too short. She says,

“ I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Rukmini Foundation, Shikharapur Community Learning Center and the entire organization that has been working constantly to bring programs like these.”

Prerana Purkuti, Rukmini Bahini and new SEE graduate

“During the two months of computer training, I learned basic computer skills like making presentations, working with Excel, and searching online. These skills will be useful for my daily life and work. I can be more helpful with projects using technology. This training gave me a good start in learning more about computers in the future which can help my career. Thank you for providing us with such a great program.”

Padma Maya Shrestha, Rukmini Bahini and new SEE graduate

“I am happy to join this program. I learned many valuable skills in the training. I learned how to insert headings, pictures, tables, pie charts and graphs in a Word document. I learned typing Nepali and English and creating a marksheet in Excel. I learned about cybercrime and cyber security in extra class which is very important for us. My future plan is to pursue a career in Computer science and become an Engineer. This training will be very useful in my future studies.”

Shristi Sunar Graduate Bahini

“I learned to use PowerPoint, Excel and Word applications that make me able to write, edit, and make presentations. The program was very enjoyable and engaging. Extra classes on motivational programs, career counseling, and cybercrime were very useful. Thank you for giving us such valuable training.”

About Roshani Balami

As someone who is always excited to experience and try new things, I was very excited to be joining the Rukmini foundation and be a part of its journey. Before joining the team I only knew a little bit about the full scope of the foundation's programs, so when I joined the foundation as the Technology officer, I thought that my job was to handle technical parts like handling web sites, applications and other related IT tasks. However, as I am now getting fully involved and leading a program like our Digital Education & Empowerment Program, to teach girls and women of all levels about technology, I am amazed by the impact of the foundation and its programs, especially with innovative programs like what we do in terms of promoting and teaching technology. Isn’t it the basic goal of technology to uplift society? I certainly believe it is, and the first step is to increase knowledge and interest about technology and then to provide access. If we want our girls to be advanced enough in technology to be future programmers, we need to start at the basic level, and I am proud to be a part of that. While I am loving teaching my younger sisters, I am also excited about teaching women who are doing continuing education as part of our collaboration with a local Open School. In short, I am loving my new experiences and am excited about the journey for the foundation and for myself.
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