Everyday Didi interactions along with GLOW Clubs and Didi programs have given us a lot to celebrate as the foundation utilizes mentoring programs to empower Bahinis in their journey. Public gatherings with students, parents and community members serve as additional opportunities to build on mentoring activities. Recently, the foundation held an event for Children’s Day Celebration.

NOTE: For more photos of this wonderful event, check out this album on Flickr.

The event was started in 1921 with the establishment of Bal Mandir, a place for children by the then Queen Ratna Rajya Lakshmi Shah to protect the orphan and vulnerable children. Since then, Children’s Day is celebrated in all parts of Nepal with various activities every year.  This year Nepal is celebrating Children’s Day with a theme of Investing in children to ensure their Future.

Rukmini Foundation celebrates Children’s Day every year with various activities aiming at fostering their creativity, self-confidence, leadership skills in a fun filled environment. This year, we celebrated Children’s Day with more than 120 children and their parents. The program was completely run by the girls. Graduate sister Yojana Basyal conducted the program. Recent SEE graduate, sister Prerana gave best wishes speech to the audience. Children presented their talent with dance, reciting poems, and speech. New girls also participated actively, especially performing dance. New girls Rakshya Ghalan and Binita Pariyar surprised the audience with their best wishes speech and dance performance. A group dance by the children of Arunodaya School impressed everyone.

The program played an important role in developing the creativity, raising self-confidence and the sense of pride in the children. The program was able to educate parents about the importance of providing love and support to their children and opportunity for education and wellbeing.

This is my first time in such a program. I was afraid to come here because I had not known anyone. But coming here, seeing so many didis (older sisters) dancing made me very happy and I also wanted to dance.

Binita Pariyar

Scholar, Rukmini Foundation

About Sirjana Waiba

Sirjana first joined the foundation as a scholar starting in the 6th grade and became a mentor soon after the SEE examination. Seeing her interest and her abilities, she was hired as an intern at the Foundation and has served the role of a Didi (older sister/mentor) for the past few years. She inspires Bahinis by sharing her personal experiences and the inspiring stories of the Didis of her time. She speaks strongly against child marriage and inspires to be independent. She learned different activities involved in carrying out programs for girls and women empowerment. She is always ready to take on any assignments like field visits, writing reports, helping with office activities, etc. She continues to attend her classes in the morning and works full time at the Foundation. She is working with the G.LO.W. Club as a Girl Ambassador and writing a curriculum to run the Clubs in schools. She is building her capacity to run different programs, which she shares with her Bahinis. She is mentoring the Arunodaya G.L.O.W. club successfully. She is constantly learning new things from Bahinis and takes inspiration from them.
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