The first club started on February 4th, 2013 with girls from grades 6 and 7 in Niharika Shishu Kunja High School. From that start, we have added LitClub Shikharapur, LitClub Setidevi, LitClub Bhaktapur, LitClub Greenland, and LitClub Durghabhawani. These clubs provide girls a unique place to share stories, collaborate, and develop themselves. These clubs have become a great complementary piece to the work that the foundation does. We are so grateful to our friends at LitWorld and Global GLOW for all of their support, which has made this a key component of our overall programming.
# of Members: 10
Coordinator: Susmita Sunar

# of Members: 15
Coordinator: Bandana Adhikary
# of Members: 10
Coordinator: Devaki KC
Devaki K.C: Devaki K.C was born to a hardworking farmer family in Dakshinkali Municipality. Devaki grew up surrounded by women; she has five sisters and one brother. From an early age, Devaki was aware of the disparate treatment between the women and men in her family; some of her sisters got married as early as 12 years old, and did not have the opportunity to pursue their education. As a result of her sisters’ circumstances, Devaki resolved to study until she obtained her Master’s Degree. Her parents did believe that Devaki could continue her studies and also help out in the household, but she wanted to prove to them that she was capable of doing both. Ultimately, the years of hard work paid off with her attainment a Master’s degree in Arts. After completing her studies, Devaki joined Seti Devi School as a teacher and LitClub mentor. Her love for the arts and creative expression has led her to encourage her students to write short stories, just as she does. Recently, she has published a short children’s book named “Binayake Ghar”.
# of Members: 10
Coordinator: Amrita Yadav
# of Members: 10
Coordinator: Sajina Satyal
# of Members: 10
Coordinator: Supriya Adhikari