by Johanna Whitman | Nov 30, 2015 | Program, General, Blog, Event
From early July to early October, a Project Based Learning (PBL) program was created for students at Shikharapur Community School to learn about and practice their skills in hosting programs (radio, tv, stage, etc). With the help of Rukmini Foundation, A School for...
by Priti Bhattarai | Jun 21, 2015 | General, Blog, News, Success Stories
Every student in their life takes a test that they believe to be the toughest examination of their life. The mixed emotions of anxiety, hope, and fear is insurmountable – the results of this exam can make or break you. Parents usually put pressure on their kids to not...
by Priti Bhattarai | May 20, 2015 | Blog, General, Awareness
Rukmini Foundation, in partnership with Manmohan Hospital, has been running a four day Mobile Medical Clinic Outreach Program – where the team will visit areas affected by the devastating earthquake to provide medical relief as well as to check up on the...
by Priti Bhattarai | May 17, 2015 | Awareness, General, Blog
Anjana was inside her home when violent tremors shook the ground beneath her. Her house, made of mud and stone, began to crumble right in front of her eyes, blocking her only exit. Anjana made a spit second decision in that moment and jumped out of the window. If she...
by Priti Bhattarai | May 14, 2015 | Awareness, General, Blog
Rescue work has resumed once again in Nepal as the country suffered yet another major earthquake. On Tuesday May 12, a 7.3 magnitude earthquake hit Kodari, 47 miles east of Katmandu, and outside the Everest region of Namche Bazaar. Then 30 minutes later, a second...
by Priti Bhattarai | May 11, 2015 | General, Blog, News, Awareness
Anju is usually seen reading on her veranda or playing outside her home when our Didis (Rukmini Foundation’s mentors) go meet her during their monthly home visits. She always welcomed her mentors with a happy smile and great enthusiasm. This, unfortunately, was not...