by Priti Bhattarai | May 7, 2015 | Awareness, General, Blog
Following the disastrous 7.8M earthquake in Nepal, the United Nations have released a report stating around 600,000 homes have been damaged, with over 140,000 completely destroyed. Families are terrified to go back in their homes, as they fear the ongoing aftershocks...
by Sofia Trivelli | Apr 28, 2015 | General, Blog
First of all, we would like to thank you all for your overwhelming support during these past few days. We wanted to update you as soon as possible regarding our scholars and team in Nepal, but we had not gotten a clear confirmation until just recently. All of our...
by admin | Dec 28, 2014 | Program, General, Blog, News
In 2014 we marked our 3rd year anniversary of the founding of Rukmini Foundation. We first opened doors in 2011, improving the lives of underprivileged girls by empowering them through a holistic program of quality education, supportive mentoring and a physical...
by Laxmi Aryal | Jun 15, 2014 | Awareness, General, Blog
My Father the Pioneer As we celebrate Father’s Day in the US, I wanted to talk about Nepali fathers, especially my own Father Kedar Nath Acharya. While Nepali people celebrate Father’s Day on a different day, called Kushe Aausi or Pitritarpani Aausi, our family...
by Guest Poster | Dec 17, 2013 | General, Blog
A Guest Post by Kate Buckley – Advisory Committee Member Originally posted in Pop City Media by KATE BUCKLEY | WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 2013 In the world of adoption, you wait for ‘the call.’ In the spring of 2011, after almost three and a half years of...
by Guest Poster | Sep 22, 2013 | General, Blog, Fundraising, Awareness
Guest Post by: Deepshika Dolphin Sharma I was first introduced to the Rukmini Foundation when Bibhuti Aryal (the organization’s President) was one of the guest speakers for the World Affairs Council Summer program held at Duquesne University. We had previously...