Can a lack of education kill?

Can a lack of education kill?

Report by: Lalita Lamicchane The title of this blog is not a sensationalized headline but a harsh reality faced by many. For example, more than 25% of the people in the UK say that Cancer is due to some type of “fate” rather than smoking. Similarly, in rural...

A small step from Mom’s Club

While it feels like issues related to women’s rights, especially in terms of ownership of their health is a political topic in may parts of the world, I decided to take a closer look a recent program conducted by the foundation through our Moms Club, which...

Center Stage with Rukmini Foundation

My parents often tell me that as a child, I was impossible to keep still when there was music. I was known to make center stage of wherever I was, and I danced everywhere I could. Rukmini Scholars dance to their own beat. A decade and four continents away from...
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