Junu Tamang
Junu is from the village of Satikhel and is one of our youngest scholars. She has no brothers or sisters, but the income that her father earns as a guard in her current school and her mother as a caregiver in a preschool, is not enough to guarantee that Junu will be able to continue her education.
Despite these challenges, she has been doing well in school. Her favorite subject is science, and her parents want her to try to become a doctor or an engineer someday. Upon becoming a scholarship holder, she has become more visible to her teachers and having more of interactions with the teachers has certainly made her feel better. This has helped to improve her grades and she is enjoying going to school much more.
Junu’s dream job is to be a professional dancer one day, but not surprisingly, her parents think she should dream of something more practical. Junu seems to have listened to her parents because Junu is now pursuing a Vet Tech vocational education, which should provide her an opportunity to work in the community.

Junu, Sajina and Anjana from right to left attending the orientation program at Emerald Tech School where they are pursuing a vocational education.