Despite her hearing difficulties, Sarathi takes every opportunity to get in front of an audience to speak.
Sarathi Thapa
Since her childhood, Sarathi has had to deal with a slight hearing disorder. She has been to many hospitals for treatment, but still suffers from some hearing problems. That has not stopped her from going to school because she really likes to study. Her parents have had many financial difficulties, and to make matters worse, her mother has broken her leg twice so she is not that able to work to provide for the family. Her parents had asked Sarathi to stay home instead of going to school in order to look after her younger brother and the livestock. Even though Sarathi wants to help around the house, she does not want to miss out on school. Through the Rukmini Scholarship, she graduated from Shikharapur Community School in 2014. She has taken part in various extracurricular activities, including a poem recitation that wowed the audience. She is interested in journalism due to her love for writing.